Latest Information

CONGRATULATIONS to our very successful exam entrants. All of our students passed with Merit or Distinction. Miss Meg passed her Advanced 2 Ballet with a Merit, this is the highest level of Ballet exam, few at DDC have made it this far!

Intermediate Foundation Ballet: Emma Myles, Sarah Robinson, Ella Robertson, Rebecca Stewart Intermediate Ballet : Samara Christie, Hannah McAlpine, Lola Clark Advanced 1 Ballet: Eva Shand Advanced 2 Ballet: Miss Megan Hargreaves Grade 6 Modern: Hannah Crombie, Beth Grant, Hannah Mair, Rebecca Stewart, Ava Aitken Intermediate Modern: Anna Smitton, Emily Simpson, Samara Christie, Hannah McAlpine


Former Principal Ballerina and friend of Deeside Dance Centre, Bethany Kingsley-Garner will be back for another masterclass.

 Eduardo Martinez will visit us again for another fabulous Latin masterclass.

Dates to be confirmed; keep an eye on your email!



to register for either class please contact

Tiny Twirlers Classes now in Aboyne and Banchory


Our Tiny Twirlers Classes are for accompanied children from walking to age 3.

An introduction to dance class using music, nursery rhymes and a variety of props.

ABOYNE: Tuesday 2.30-3.00pm

BANCHORY: Wednesday 11.15-11.45am